Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 4 Test!

Today in West Civ we took the Chapter 4 Test. It wasn't that hard and my blog helped me a little bit. The quarter ends on Friday though and I am really nervous because I really need a B. I think that I did good on the test. Some of them I didn't really know though because I never got to go to the review class because of a softball game. I should have just stayed in class because it would have been so much better. But the study guide over all helped a ton! so thank you for letting us use that Mr.Schick

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Review Sheet

Today in West Civ we went over the Greek Outline but i had to leave early because of a softball game. Nicolette sent me the notes so that I could study them


The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

Want to do well on the next test?  Here’s where to start:  Know what’s on this sheet.  Post the answers on your blog.  Find the answers by checking your text, doing independent research, taking good notes while watching the video, or referring to the website that accompanies the video: .

IMPORTANT DATES:  In a sentence or two, describe what important or historical event took place on the following dates:

1600 – 1200 BC- The Mycenaean Civilization

1150 – 750 BC- The Dark Ages

776 BC- Origin of the Olympic Games (first Olympic games began)

c. 750 – 700 BC- Homer (blind poet) composed the Iliad and the Odyssey then sang & recited it to people

621 BC- Draco set up his own law code. FOR EXAMPLE: if you were doing surgery and poked out someone’s eye, you would have you eye poked out as punishment (NOT ON TEST)

508 BC- the first time in human history that anybody had a revolution and overtook their government (turned on and threw out Isagoris and seized power for themselves) first time in history ordinary people rose up against government(rose up against Isagoris)

490 BC- The Persians lost the first decisive battle to the Athenians at Marathon.

480 BC- The Battle of Salamis (Xerxes tried to get avenge his father but lost) Xerxes attacked Athens to get revenge (Straight of Salamis)

461-429- Age of Pericles/Golden Age  

447 – 438 BC- Pericles built the Parthenon

431 – 404 BC- The Peloponnesian War (Athens vs. Sparta) Sparta won. (Spartans were going to surrender but they didn’t have the supplies so they didn’t) Pericles declared war on Sparta

399 BC- Trial of Socrates (death) they needed someone to blame for the loss of the war and since Socrates questioned everything, was disrespectful, and was charged for corrupting the youth and impiety, they made him drink Hemlock and it killed him

MEN, WOMEN, GODS AND GODDESSES YOU SHOULD KNOW:  In one or two sentences, describe what is significant (important) about the following people (or immortals):

Homer- a blind poet who composed and told the stories of the Trojan War called “The Iliad and The Odyssey” during the Dark Ages

Odysseus- main character in The Odyssey tried to get home but kept getting thrown off course

Zeus- The King God and Greek God of the Sky, Father of the Gods

Athena- the Patron Goddess of Athens, Goddess of wisdom

Pisistratus- A good Tyrant who came to Athens to see someone who he was told was Athena and he cuts taxes on the lower classes then lends them money at little or no interest so it’s easier for them to but things of their interests. (Tyrant, gave commoners more power, turned Athens into a powerful city-state, and used a fake Athena to gain power)

Cleisthenes- another great Tyrant who the people put in charge after they threw out Isagoris (Aristocrat, took power from Hippias, when people threw out Isagoris they gave him power)

Darius (the Great) - King of Persia before Xerxes who tried to conquer all of Greece but stopped when he lost the Battle of Athens

Xerxes- tried to avenge his father but was defeated in the strait of Salamis(Persian, son of Darius, wanted to avenge his father’s loss, tricked by Athenian messenger, lost in straight of Salamis)

Pheidippides- the runner, in charge of telling the Spartans (heroic) ran 140 miles in 2 days to get the Spartans help and they turned him down 

Themistocles- was elected by the people because of democracies wasn’t an aristocrat, got them ready, but then was ostracized (imployed trireme, was not an aristocrat, put spin on Oracles response

Pericles- changed the face of Athens by building the democracy and strengthening the empire and building the Parthenon, his lover was Aspasia (refined, capable, intelligent, educated, beautiful woman who would have sex with rich, powerful men) *classy prostitute* (proposed Parthenon for mark of wealth, presented war with Sparta, Delian League)

Aristophanes- Greek playwright who specialized in comedies (lot of dirty jokes)

Socrates- an ancient Greek scholar who was put to death by Hemlock in 399 BC (Greek thinker, interested only in mind and thinking, questioned authority (impiety, corrupted children’s minds)

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION:  Be able to locate the following on a map:

Athens                         Sparta                                      Peloponnesus                          Ionia

Ionian Sea                               Aegean Sea                             Persian Empire

GREEK POLITICAL STRUCTURES: Describe these political institutions:

Monarchy- supreme power is held by a single, usually hereditary ruler (a monarch)

Democracy- government where all adult male citizens can take part in decision making                

Oligarchy- supreme power is held by a small group             

Aristocracy- government in which power is held by the upper class

PERICLES’ THREE GOALS FOR ATHENS: Name ‘em; describe ‘em.

1. Strengthen Athenian democracy- (Increased number of paid elected officials so everyone could afford to work for government, not just wealthy)
2. Hold and strengthen the empire- (Strengthen: Used money from Delian League to strength navy. Empire: His navy would protect other Delian League members)
3. Glorify Athens- (Stole money from Delian League and built Parthenon)

GREEK ART: Identify and describe examples in these fields:

Sculpture- Gigantic (35 ft. tall) wooden statue of Athena that was placed in the main inner chamber of the Parthenon (sculpted by Phidias-the most highly respected sculptor of Athens in the Golden Age who carved all of the Parthenon sculptures)       

Architecture- Building the Temple (Parthenon of Athens) was designed about 450 BC by the architects Ictinus and Callicrates as part of Pericles’ plan for rebuilding the Acropolis after the Persians had destroyed the earlier sacred structures there.                                  

Drama (tragedy and comedy) - Began in Greece. Tragedy- The Trojan Women (Euripides was the youngest of the Great Greek tragedians and had the deepest insight into human character. He was radical and he challenged the traditional religious and moral values of his time. He opposed slavery and showed the “other side” of war. In The Trojan Women, the battle ends with a broken-hearted woman sitting on the ground holding a dead child in her arms. Comedies-included a lot of “toilet talk” and bad jokes.   

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Today in West Civ we found out that it was Seho's birthday! Mr.Schick kept trying to make him wear the birthday hat but he wasn't so into that like the other kids might be. He also went on youtube to try and find a video of Korean birthday song.. but that didn't work out so well... I think that Seho might have been a little creaped out by what we were doing to him. We also started to look at a picture on the screen, but then too many people were talking and he got angry. Sorry about that Mr.Schick. When he came back he said we had a free class to do whatever we wanted. I tried to work on my study guide but I didnt get to finish because we ran out of time and i also couldn't find all of the words.