Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nomadic Tribes

  • Huns migrate from China to Eastern Europe
    • A member of a nomadic pastoralist people who invaded Europe in the fourth and fifth centuries a.d.
    •  were defeated in 455.
  • Visigoths take over Spain, and actually capture and loot Rome itself in 410
    • A member of the western Goths that invaded the Roman Empire in the fourth century a.d.
    • settled in France and Spain, establishing a monarchy that lasted until the early eighth century.
  • Vandals control Carthage and the western Mediterranean
    •  A member of a Germanic people that overran Gaul, Spain, and northern Africa in the fourth and fifth centuries a.d.
    • sacked Rome in 455.
  • Other barbarian tribes:
    • Ostrogoth in Italy
      • One of a tribe of eastern Goths that conquered
      • ruled Italy from a.d. 493 to 555.
    • Franks in Gaul
      • A member of one of the Germanic tribes of the Rhine region in the early Christian era
        •  especially one of the Salian Franks who conquered Gaul about a.d. 500
      • established an extensive empire that reached its greatest power in the ninth century.
    • Angles and Saxons in Britain
      • Angles- A member of a Germanic people that migrated to England from southern Jutland in the 5th century a.d.
      • Saxons-  A member of a West Germanic tribal group that inhabited northern Germany
      • founded the kingdoms of North Umbria, East Anglia, and Mercia, and together with the Jutes and Saxons formed the Anglo-Saxon peoples.

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