Monday, May 13, 2013

Test Wednesday

1)How many edicts did Diocleation make? Four
2) who was the apostle who was responsible for the speard of christianity? Paul
3) what's and edict? an offfical order
4) What is significant about Constatine's family? they were christian .
5) Sum up what the four edicts were about? they all had to do with punishing christians
6) What was that edict of Milan? Constitine gave all of the Christian there rights back, also there land and property. Also said that you can not perscute for someone's religion

Today in West Civ, we made questions for our test on Wednesday. I think that I might have a chance of actually doing good on it. I am actually a little upset with my grade and wish that I had a better one, but I guess that it just goes to show that I need to work harder than I am now.

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