Thursday, January 31, 2013

Getting Back Pop Quiz

Today in West Civ class we took a lot of notes on Egypt. I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before about this subject. The prezi PowerPoint that Mr. Schick used was pretty cool too. Another thing that I learned was the pyramid I know a little bit about it but not very much. Now that I learned that it will be a lot easier to know more about Egypt and what that history is all about. This will not only help me in the future but give me a lot more knowledge about what life would have been like back in there days. Today in West Civ class we also got our Pop Quiz’s back which I failed. It was hard for me to see the screen from where I sit though and I think that was one of the problems about why I actually did so badly.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another Day of West Civ

Today in West Civ class we got to class, sat down in our seats, and then Mr.Schick too the attendance. After that he told us that we were going to have a pop quiz, but thank god he let us study. If he didn't I probably would have failed, even though I probably still did. Then after we took the quiz since we have been out for so long he wanted us to read. Tonight we have to read about Egypt, which should be interesting to learn about. West Civ is a whole new thing that I haven’t learned much about before or if I did I learned very little about. Also it’s a lot different between the way that Mr. Powell and Mr.Schick both teach, but I am getting used to it now and it is starting to become a lot easier than it was when I first started.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Watching a Video!

Today and West Civ it took Mr.Schick like an hour to get there. Just kidding, but he almost was late! Anyway when we sat down we started talking about Jared Diamond and our thoughts or maybe what we wrote about for that 50 point assignment. Then we watched this really interesting video which kind of summed up everything for Jared Diamond. I thought this was actually a really good video, but the guy talked to fast sometimes and I sometimes I got confused. When Mr.Schick went over the video though and told us everything and like what he thought it was starting to make more sense. Also Mr.Schick was trying to get us to become vegetarians even though he wouldn't just come out and say that he wanted us to be them. Some of the stuff that he talked about makes me consider being one, but I feel that if I personally did this I wouldn't get enough protein or nutritions that I would need. I know that there are supplements, but now I just know where to get meat and where not to even though sometimes you will just mess up and maybe eat the wrong thing. But I feel that he made a really good point on how we really don’t know what we are putting into our mouths!  

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Changing Seats!

Today in Mr.Schick’s we changed seats! My seat isn't that bad, but I am in the back of the room so sometimes it’s hard to see just because all of the people in front of me. It’s ok though I rather be in the back then in the front. After that we started taking more notes. It would probably be a lot easier if I read the book before I went to class so I’m not as confused. I think it would be a lot easier on me so I would know more of what is going on. But other than that class is really fun and I think that I will learn so much this semester. Oh and I forgot today in class we learned how to not take every note that Mr.Schick has up on the board. I learned this because I didn't get to finish copying them down by the time I finished!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Was Jared Diamond on track with his theory of "geographic luck"?

The way that I see it is that Jared Diamond was on track with his theory of geographic luck. I think this because he has all of the right details about what makes and what doesn't make a place geographically lucky. He was right when he said that it takes different types of animals and plants to actually have a successful place to live. Back when these people were living you would also need the right climates for the people to live in and for the plants and animals to actually survive. He also stated about the different in technology and civilizations. But mostly his theory revolved around the climates because not everything can survive and grow in cold climates you might need a warmer climate to not only live but grow animals and plants. That is also why people have migrated over centuries. The roles that the people have had in the communities were very important to the villages and you could never slack because they needed this stuff to survive.. Some of the roles the men and women were equal and some of them weren't  The men would usually go out in hunt, in the period when the men were doing that the women would gather and plant the food that they would need to survive. As the time progressed and the people started to actually settle down and stay where they were because the realized that they could actually have a living there. This started to lead to the many inventions that people were creating so it would be easier for them to live and the people around them to live. This is what can support his theory on why the people the Europe founded and had guns, germs, and steel in there area.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

First Day Taking Notes!

Friday in West Civ we started taking notes on prehistory. We also learned how to take notes the right way. Even though some people know how to do it, it is a good way to remind them the way that   Mr.Schick wants them to take them. I left my notebook in school so I can’t really say everything that we took notes on. But it was a good idea to go over what we should be writing down and what we shouldn't. It helped me know what Mr.Schick wants us to write down and what he doesn't. Friday’s class was really fun though. The book that we got for West Civ is actually a lot more interesting than I thought it would be! I am really excited for this Semesters class. I think that it will be really interesting and such a fun class, I also think that I will learn a lot of new things that I haven’t already learned.

P.S. I know this is late but I lost my charger this weekend and just found it today! Sorry!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

First West Civ Class!

Today in Mr.Shick’s West Civ class we learned about what the course was going to be like in this class the rest of the year. We also set up our blogs which was a whole new thing for me, because in Mr. Powell’s class we never had to do anything like this. I learned a lot of new things that I never knew about the blogs. I learned how to customize it instead of using just the templates that they give us. We also got books for West Civ which is a big change in Human geo we didn’t even have one and we just had to use our notes. This will be different since we haven’t worked out of a book in a while for this class. But we had the wrong books so then they had to go find the right ones. After this he was answering our questions about the blogs.