Thursday, February 7, 2013

Changing Seats Again

Today in West Civ, we changed seats again. I was almost late thought because chorus ran later than expected and then Lilly and I went to go give Fabs his birthday cupcake. After I rushed to class barley making it, we went over some powerpoints and watched a couple of videos. Those crash course videos are always my favorite, I fell that the main guy can relate to us and make it funny at the same time so its not just one of those boring videos that teachers usually make you watch. Before we started we got to change seats, which I was so happy about! I actually wasn't all the way in the back anymore. Now it's so much easier to actually see the board and I'm close to my friends now. Before I felt like I was on Mars or something. Class was fun today though, just like every other day. Me and Nicolette also decided that we are going to take a picture everyday for my blog. (:

Land of the Pharaohs

· Two Lands
Upper Egypt
§ 500 mile long strip of fertile land along the Nile
Lower Egypt
  Wide land of the Nile delta, emptying into the Med. Sea
· The Nile
Major provider of life
Everybody lives on the Nile
·3100 B.C., the 2 lands were united under a single kind or pharaoh

Government by a God-King
·Pharaoh is 1st
·Pharaoh was thought to be able to communicate with the gods and goddesses
·“maat”- harmony and balance with the world
·All routes to financial and social success were though the palace
·Women could inherit money and land and divorce their husbands, though only tin few ever wielded real political power 
Gods, Humans, and Everlasting Life
·Gods were often portrayed with animal heads and bodies
·Believed in afterlife
·Only pharaohs and rich people were mummified
·Souls will be judged and will either be sent to an after-world paradise or the jaws of a monster 
The writing of the Words of Gods
·Writing formed around 3100 B.C. and were small pictures called hieroglyphics that represented religious words, or parts of words
·Hieratic Scrip was short and developed by scribes and priests
·Papyrus was used to write on and was made of the plant that grew in water 
Calendars and Sailboats
·Came up with the 365 day year
·Knew there way inside the human body
·Made sailboats for transportation on the Nile 
Pyramids and Temples
·Pyramids were used as tombs
·Pyramids were originally covered in marble that was later stripped off during the Muslim conquest
· Temple of Amon at Karnak is the largest religious building in the world

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