Saturday, February 23, 2013


Today in West Civ we had a discussion on weather the Chinese students should use the translators or not. In some sense I feel that it's fine if they do but in another I don't find it as fair. I feel this way because when Gavin showed us that he could look up the word and it would give him the word in Chinese, I had no problem with that. But next he looked up a vocab word just the word was in Chinese but the definition was in English. Why would they need it if the definition is in the book in English. I don't really get that part. But if they really need them then I guess that could use them. If you wanna come to America and learn though you would think that you would learn there language too. They have been taught it since they were 4. I think they know what most of the words will mean. If i went to France (I am taking French right now) I could pick out a couple of words and put them together and realize what the question would ask me. In a sense I guess that Chinese and English are completely separate languages and I hope they do good on the test.

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