Tuesday, February 19, 2013

LO-1 Writing Blog

Barbarians lived completely different lives compared to how we live today. More than 3000 years ago leading up to the Persian Empire civilization spread from its homelands in Sumer and Egypt to Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa. It also spread to other places like China, India, and other parts in the Western Hemisphere. People were also still living in prehistoric villages and other areas. They earliest Europeans farming and spreading more village life around the continent by 4000 B.C. When this happened more people were becoming richer and started populating more and more in the area. By 3500 B.C. people were becoming smarter and also stronger. They were able to start building megaliths, which are huge stone structures such as the Stonehenge. The Stonehenge which was build by religious farmers, and traders in the West of England. The plow was then first used when archaeologists found some furrows in the soils right were the megaliths were. The Stonehenge itself was finally finished being build in 2000 B.C. by 160 huge boulders that weighed up to 50 tons each which is almost equal to about 100,000 pounds, yet they all had no fancy tools like we do today. It is still a mystery on how they actually did it, but it is still surprisingly holding strong and standing today. Indo (Independent) European people started moving into Asia Minor and Persia. Once people started settling in they started to make ethnic groups who combine their tradition and the traditions of the Indo Europeans and started to combine them. Some of the Europeans were also violent and warlike (but not all) others were peaceful and calm. They both have the same main business which is farming. They lived in villages with several other families that were on big farms so they could work and also eat right at their house. These small groups of families started to form tribes, which made little agreements under their warrior kings or queen of very powerful tribes. The tribes ended up fighting a lot though over a lot of things that would help their civilizations grow. Many tribes fell apart because of disagreements on who had the victory. After all of this skilled and organized people who had no cities, written records, or fixed structures of government were called European Barbarians. From 2000 B.C. to 1000 B.C. the Europeans started to see civilization form. After this the Greeks, who were the first Europeans to notice the change in civilization, barbarians started getting used to the civilization life. Because of them interacting with the people South and East of them from 2000 B.C. forward. Then the Greeks came up with their own civilization and made it the first to come about in Europe, this is considered and the first that actually counts as "Western" 

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